Are You Living Your Life or Your Parent's?

are youliving your life?

As written by Tobechi Larry..
Congratulations! You graduated as a lawyer and you're heading your dad's firm. You win your first case defending a client who you know is guilty of all allegations and your conscience keeps disturbing you while your parents are busy singing your praise.

Deep down you are not happy. You would have been happier if you had become a musician. You once told your dad about that and he discouraged you. Now you are condemned to work in a field you have no passion for in order to make daddy happy.

Does this sound in anyway sound like you? Are you in conflict with your self for trying to do something that your parents want rather than what you want? Are you living your life or your parent's life? You should stop blaming your parents. They did what they taught was in the best interest for you.

They believed just making money brings self fulfilment without any regard to your heart's desire. You are no more a kid now. Your life is in your hands. Take time to examine your life. Plato said 'an unexamined life is not worth living.'

Where would you like to be in five years time? Grab a piece of paper, write down activities that make you happy. Place the list somewhere you would see it every morning. Create a plan towards that direction. If you are musically inclined, your list would include playing an instrument, singing, writing, listening to songs and poems. What choices would you make now to take you closer to it?

Act now. Every year learn something new that can help you reach your goal. If you are passionate about music for example, take a weekend off to learn piano. Pay a private tutor to teach you. Buy one instrument for private practice. Combining your job with these activities could be stressful. it could cost you less rest or even more time off work.

It may cost you your promotion, a query or salary reduction. it shouldn't discourage you because these are prices to pay for following your heart. After 4 few years of practice, you can gradually show the world your skill. Volunteer to play during occasions for free. You would meet people who are in your chosen niche. Connect with them.

Remember now is the best time to start. You can never be successful in a field you don't really love. Start today to create the life you want to live tomorrow. If you don't act now,you will be full of regrets on your death bed.

PS: This was a guest post written by Tobechi Larry. He uses someone who has a passion for music to make his examples. Your passion could be anything else, simply make a plan and work towards it. Your happiness really matters more than money. In fact, real money comes as a result of happiness. - Nigel


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