8 Ways To develop A Good Mental Attitude

8 ways to develop good mental attitude

This article here was originally posted by me as a guest post on the website www.pickthebrain.com .

Here are eight ways to develop a strong mental attitude: 

1. Love Yourself The Way You Are
This seems so obvious but very difficult for most people to do. Most people hate themselves and their lives. They hate their looks, their jobs, their country and sometimes life itself. This attitude greatly affects their outlook on life and they see negativity in everything. 

This is simply because they've not accepted their realities. You have to love yourself the way you are and accept whatever life has dealt
you. Accepting yourself enables you to stop feeling sorry about yourself and take responsibility. Before you can love others genuinely, you must love yourself, your imperfections, your strong points and your life.

2. Never ever call yourself a failure 
People who have developed very good mental attitude never see themselves as failures. Even when they try and fail in any activity, they refuse to call themselves failures, but rather learn from their mistake and try again. 

You must never ever call yourself a failure. It doesn't matter how many times you think you've failed. You must make up your mind to learn, improve and keep trying. Many people will be willing to call you a failure, but you must never say that about yourself. 

3. Engage with your environment 
To develop good mental attitude, it is important to find time to interact with your surroundings. Even though alone time is important, you have to make out time to be around people, no matter how small. 

We are social creatures and we're dependent on one another. Don't allow your work or disposition keep you from making out time for friends, family and associates. If you don't have friends, it's very easy time make one, just be there for someone. 

4.Don't allow anyone but yourself to control your life
It is important you take absolute control over your life and your situations. Desist from blaming other people, your government or the society for your troubles. Taking control of your life means taking full responsibility, making your own rules and directing your life. 

When you speak, you must speak your mind and when you want to make a choice, it must be YOUR choice. You should listen to advice from others, but make sure your final decision is something you really want. 

5. Always face your fear with Courage 
Mentally strong people have formed the habit of facing their worst fears and taking risks. The courage to take a risk alone improves your mental attitude and makes you more alert and aware. Often times, the fears we face are illusory. They only exist in our minds. 

To develop good mental attitude, you must learn to challenge yourself to face your fears. You either get it right or learn from getting it wrong. Being afraid to try keeps you in the same situation and that doesn't help your mental health. 

6. Don't try to please everyone 
You have to understand that trying to please everybody is quite impossible here on earth. People will always have different ideas and opinions and there is no way to please one person and not offend the other. 

Therefore, you should not try to please everyone because that will drain you of precious energy and make you lose direction. Rather you should learn to really listen to yourself and do what you're convinced is right. 

7.Stay Present, Don't live in the Past or Future 
You must learn to stay in the present moment rather than dwell in the past. A major cause of sadness and depression stems from too much worry over the past or the future. 

Learn to forget about the past, thinking about it pulls you back and makes you miss opportunities flooding the present. Same thing goes for the future. You waste time worrying about it instead of using the present moment to prepare for it. Let worrying about the past or present go! Let it go! Just use the present to rewrite the past and create the future. 

8. Expect Nothing from No One
Yeah, I want you to remember this last line "No one owes you anything!" I repeat "No one here on the planet owes you any damn thing!" Poor mental health is caused by too much expectation from life, people, etc. 

You shouldn't expect anything from anyone, rather you should take up responsibility in the line of your passion and create value. People with good mental health are creators who offer value to the world not needy people waiting for someone to give them something. Expectation leads to disappointments. You'd rather expect nothing and be surprised at it  rather than expect it and not get it. 

Hope this helps You. 


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