Day 7: Dare To Be Different

Dare To Be Different

"Today, I want to DARE you to be different. If you do what everyone is doing, you will get what everyone is getting. Look around you. The society celebrates mediocrity so much that it does not take much to set yourself above the rest. Doing that one thing regularly will put you way above the rest.

Read books that challenge you and make you think. Associate with the right set of people that challenge you to excellence. Know that you have an abundance of potential within you and I’m charging you to bring it out to fruition. You are unique and special."

You can't be a copy. You can't be doing the same thing everyone else is doing else you'll be lost in the crowd. To really be great and stand out, you have to be different. Do something differently. Try a different way of achieving a particular result. Be different.

Don't be a conformist who always does as he or she is told. Be yourself always. All it takes is an honest decision and an attempt, the sky's the limit from there.

Here's an excerpt from a previous post:

Have you ever felt like you don't fit in at all or that you are so different from other people around you? Do you feel down because you are not like them? Are you troubled because you are unique and what interests you seems not to appeal to others?

I've got something to tell you: You are lucky to be different. Being different is a blessing and a precious gift. Most of the greatest innovations and ideas of mankind were brought forth by those who dared to be different. Being different means that you are destined for something greater than the average.

It's not a crime to have different ideas from what everyone else believes. It's not bad to be interested in different things than what majority of people seem to be interested in. You must not do the same things everyone else is doing or chase after what they pursue.

Your difference is your selling point. Your creativity and real self manifests through your differences. That's why recognising that you're different should be good news and shouldn't make you worry. Being different means you're in a position to see things differently, do things differently and possibly create something new that the world has never seen before.

Are you really curious about the stars? Are you passionate about the media whereas others around you talk football all the time? Do you love history and politics rather than biology loved by your friends? Do you want to become a musician when your friends would rather be business men? Are you passionate about joining the forces whereas your family wants you to be a doctor? 

Something must be different about you. Learn to pursue that thing without trying to conform to what everyone else wants for you.
Sometimes we feel it's a problem to be different because we fail to surround ourselves with people of like minds and similar interests. You may be in a community surrounded by natives who only care about agriculture while you are really interested in the ICT industry. How do you cope? You tend to feel down because few people share similar interests.
That doesn't mean you are wrong to have your own unique inclinations. 

With the internet, it is easier to connect with people of like minds and similar interests who can help you see the beauty of pursuing that thing that makes you different. Various groups and communities that share similar ideals are already existing online and more are springing up.

We are in a World of unlimited possibilities and incredible potentials. You should consider yourself lucky to be different from other people. All you need to do is accept your difference and shine through it. Perfect it and make a difference in this world with what makes you different. Don't get discouraged by what everyone around you is doing or what they love.

Appreciate your own self the way you are and genuinely love the fact that you are different. Being different doesn't mean you should not relate well with other people. You just respect their differences as well but most of all tremendously respect yours. Work with them if you can, but never let them make you feel down about being different or discourage you from shining through your uniqueness.

If you're different, you are lucky! Shine and make a difference through your difference!

Dare to be different and keep winning!


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