The Power Of Repetition

the power of repetition

Many atimes, we usually don't notice the power of repetition and the indispensable role that it plays in our daily lives. You see, when you do something over and over again, it starts becoming a lot more easier to do and with time it becomes am automatic process where you don't feel any stress doing it.

I remember sometime ago, I was walking up the stairs of a building where I lived with a friend of mine who was visiting me for the first time. I was leading the way and in a very short time, I was at the topmost floor while my friend was still lagging behind. When he got to the topmost floor looking quite stressed, he exclaimed: "Nigel, how do you manage to climb up and down these stairs everyday?" "It's tiring", he added. I smiled, looked at him and said, "It's because I'm used to it and you're not".

The staircase of that three storey building has become second nature to me because I had been doing it everyday and my system had quickly adapted to it as normal. To someone who isn't used to stairs, it will definitely be tiring the first time.

It's not just in climbing stairs, repetition has strong influence over the way we think and act. If you are used to thinking negatively about your situation, it will be very difficult for you to see anything good in your life until you break that repetitive thought process in you which may have become automatic.

Back in high school days, some of my peers had this belief that math was hard and therefore, they just disliked the math teacher and never paid attention in any of his classes. The result? Few of them who were lucky escaped with E's, but most of them failed woefully.

There were also some who initially thought math was difficult, but when they tried to solve questions on their own, pay more attention to the teacher and try over and over again to solve questions, they became better and good. It then dawned on them that mathematics was easy and they got excellent results.

Addiction to anything is effective as a result of the power of repetition. The more you engage in what you're addicted to, the more power it has over you.

Repetition is also at play in the way you talk, the way you respond to people, the way you dress, how disciplined you are in your life, your career and relationship lifestyle etcetera.

To break any strong cycle of repetition, it needs a high sense of consciousness about that process. And breaking an addiction to a repetitive process like porn will need a counter repetitive process which will replace the negative one.


Getting to that point where something admirable becomes second nature to you is the goal. I call that point the 'elastic limit'. You subconsciously attain it by constant repetitive activity. It is then your whole system adapts to it and it becomes easy to always do it.

If you're very observant, you would notice that very successful people in any field have one thing in common. They are always relaxed, calm and poised when they are performing.

Did they master that overnight? No!  A very big No. Rather, they've invested time to repeatedly master their skills over and over again until it became an integral part of them. They've used the power of repetition to always stay relaxed and calm during activity. It becomes their second nature.

Smart and driven people understand that excellence is a habit. That's why they put in effort to GET USED TO doing those things necessary to achieve the dream they're passionate about.

There's no big magic to it. Most people don't succeed because it's either they're not passionate about what they do or that they give up too easily.

Passion for whatever you choose to do is very important. It is fuel that keeps you going until you cross that 'elastic limit' threshold where it all becomes very easy. Therefore, you must be passionate about the goal you have in mind.

On a final note, some people like to ask the question "How long will it take?". I feel that question is for losers looking for a reason to back out or for shortcuts.

They lack that passion and dedication needed to walk the walk and that's why they want to be given a particular time when they can expect to relax and quit.

Truth is: who's willing is willing. If you have truly made up your mind to succeed in anything and you have the strong drive for it, you'd be willing to walk the walk repeatedly for as long as it takes to attain the goal you have in mind.

This can be applied to achieve success in any area of life ranging from your career, relationships, lifestyle, habits, character and much more.

Till next time,



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