So after so many months without visiting his blog, I tried to visit for some fired up articles only to get a surprise.. that the blog has been permanently closed and then there's podcast following from Vic Pride (now Brother Nicholas) claiming that He's now Born again and has given his life to Jesus Christ. I didn't know how to feel. Whether it's good news or bad news will ultimately be up to us, but I just think I should share my thoughts about it here. But before that a brief background story. Victor Pride has been running the motivational blog bold and determined since 2011 and he has actually inspired and motivated a lot of young men and women to break out lazy attitudes/habits to live the life of their dreams. Even though, I never really agreed with quite a number of his ideas about God, religion, the government, women etc, I still saw the truth in some of the things he said. And he had a very unique way of writing with gives you that adrenal
You've probably heard people say things like "I don't care what anybody thinks." "I don't give a damn" "I don't care anymore" and other words like that. The "I don't care" attitude is becoming quite popular and of course it comes with a good feeling. This attitude can actually be helpful if it motivates you to keep trying where other people have failed or it helps you become a better and a much happier person. But sometimes, this attitude can arise out of pure stubbornness and laziness. Many relationships among people have failed because of this. Some people don't care at all about another person but just themselves and their needs forgetting that their needs are dependent on the needs of other people. It is important to actually care to know the truth and properly look into our consciences before we adopt an I don't care attitude towards anything. Are you adopting it because you are convinced you're on a
In today's world, it seems as though the definition of a man is getting more debased day by day. Value systems seem to have changed and being a man appears to now be centered on ephemeral, distasteful and immoral behaviour. Here on this blog, you'll get the truth on the definition of a true man. Yesterday, I got into an argument with a male colleague at work. Ordinarily, I try my best to avoid any form of arguments except when absolutely necessary. This was one of those exceptional days. We were all having a wonderful discussion about things we need to know in making the right choice as regards a life partner for marriage and everyone of us was sharing their candid opinions and learning from those shared by others. Then, the young man who was standing aside joined in and started saying that we were all talking nonsense. He continued by saying that only his opinion was valid because he had slept with so many different women to the extent he had lost count. I didn'
I was discussing with a friend few days ago when the idea hit me to really share this blog post because I feel it's important people in relationships know this. Now for a second, imagine two people in love. Let's call them Romeo and Juliet. Romeo really loves Juliet and she also loves him just as much. But their relationship isn't going great despite the love they have for each other. Juliet calls Romeo on a daily basis to check up on her. To her, that's how she expresses that she loves and cares for him. She also makes efforts to see him regularly. Romeo on the other hand despite loving Juliet, doesn't want to call her every day. He only wants to speak to her once or twice a week. Calling someone twice a week for Romeo is the height of loving someone as he isn't really into calls. To him his biggest expression of his genuine love can only allow him want to hear from her twice a week. At some point Juliet begins to worry and think about why she has to
Previously, I wrote an article on the definition of a true man . It would be fair enough to also write and article for the women who read this blog. Women are beautiful, lovely and sensitive creatures way different from men in a lot of things both mentally and physically. They are special in their own way and also play very important roles in our society. Just like in the case of the men, value systems seem to be changing for women too. Most women seem to rate themselves these days based mainly on their looks. They spend so much time and money in ensuring they look very good, clean and posh. They can do anything to look attractive and get attention. Some even go to the extent of almost going nude on social media just to feel good about themselves and get reassuring likes . Painfully, most of these same women don't pay attention to what is inside of them. They often neglect the unseen qualities which make them who they truly are. There are some women who boast about
A lot of people complain that they don't have some things they really deserve or that despite their hardest work, they achieve very little. Therefore, they are discouraged in whatever they do and tend to stop giving out their best. For some other people, it appears that they do very little work and all the money is following them. They don't have to stress themselves like others, but money just keeps chasing them. "Why is life this way?" they ask. "Life is not fair. " they scream. Some start trying to explain it by saying its the hands of fate and not everyone has the same destiny. When they're satisfied with whatever excuse they've cooked up, they're comforted in their misery and quit trying. Here's the truth... Life is completely fair. Life has been so well arranged that everyone gets exactly what they deserve. It appears some people have it easier when you only look at where they are presently.
It is impossible to successfully make other people happy when you're unhappy yourself. It's important that we all understand the fact that our own happiness is very important. Most people would like to buy into the idea of sacrificing their own happiness so that other people will be happy. I think this idea is flawed because in sacrificing your own happiness, you end up unhappy while trying to make other people happy. Does it make sense to you? Why do we often forget that it's very possible to make other people happy while also being
I think this world would be a lot better if we could all be good for no reason. If we make it a point of duty to simply be good to other people and to our immediate environment. If we could form the habit of doing good without any expectation and being good to our community for no reason, there would be dramatic change. But the big question lies in the definition of being good. On what basis can we say for sure that the actions we intend to take is a good one? Is it culture? Is it morality? Is it the scriptures? For the purpose of this blog post, being good here means showing love to others and helping them out when you can. It means being able to connect with the feelings of other people and help them solve any of their problems in any little way you can. Actions that can be classified as being good could be: buying food for someone without them asking, visiting the motherless babies and providing them with the gifts you can, giving to a beggar or a homeless person, vo
This article is dedicated to all the motivated people out there who are willing to put in the required effort and work to get whatever they desire. You should never beg for anything. Whenever you beg for anything, you simply say that you don't deserve it and you're depending on someone's mercy to give it to you. Begging is a loser's mentality. A loser is too dependent on other people's choices to get what he/she wants and that's why they usually don't have what they want. This is because the person or persons whom they beg can choose to waste time before giving to them or even not give them at all. Beggars have no choice. And guess what? Choice is the best gift that man has to direct his life to what he wants. So when you beg, you throw away your power of choice. And when you throw it away, you have automatically lost because you are no more in control of anything. This is why winners never beg. Winners deserve whatever they get because they were
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