I Should Have

I should have

A lot of people are wallowing in self pity, worry and regret because they are always busy thinking about what they should have done. They go about telling anyone who cares to listen their sad stories.

I should have started my business, I should have told her I loved her, I should have taken advantage of opportunities, I should have chosen to be educated, I should have avoided bad company, I should have kept myself for the right person and so on and so forth. You will often hear these "should haves" from depressed people who can't let go of their past.

It's a good thing to feel sad over ones mistakes, but it's not a good thing to dwell so much on it and make such a big issue out of it. You're not the first person to have missed out on doing the right things you should have done, neither will you be last. So it's pointless to keep recounting and crying over those things.

As long as your heart is beating and there's still air passing through your nose into your lungs, there is hope. No matter how bad you feel about those things you should have done, the fact is that you can never go back in time to do the right thing. It's long gone and it's in your past. You've got to let it go if you really want to still make meaning of your life.

Indeed it's difficult to forget some of the things you could have done because your inability to do them must have been what is responsible for your present difficult situation. However, if you want to make it out of that difficult situation, you must stop killing yourself over the missed opportunity and learn the lesson from your difficult situation.

Tough challenges are usually blessings in disguise, but there are very few people who would agree with that. Your challenges contain your life lessons. And if you really want to make progress, you must be open minded enough to see and understand the particular lesson life is teaching you at every present moment.

Life lessons are unique to the individual and his actions. So it's the responsibility of the individual to understand what life is trying to teach him or her using his or her peculiar challenge.

If you got a bad result and you start thinking that you should have studied your books more, it should be apparent that life is trying to teach you the value of adequate preparation before going into any venture.

If you hesitated to start your business and those who started the business before you are raking in the millions, life could be teaching you that you should learn to take your ideas seriously and don't delay too much in their execution.

If you feel like your life was ruined by bad company, perhaps, life is teaching you that to succeed, you must roll with like minded people who would spur you to be your best.

If you lost out on someone you love because you were afraid to express your love, perhaps life is teaching you to be bold enough to make your moves in relationships.

Whatever it is, there is a life lesson you must recognize and apply to experience the new magic. Failure to recognize the lesson will only lead to a repetition of the same mistakes over and over again. And you will keep feeling more and more terrible about your life and how it may turn out.

Motivation to succeed in life is contained in your life lesson. Always complaining about the things you should have done and regretting or feeling bad all the time will only keep you trapped in same situation. The key is to learn the life lesson and just do it!

Study that course you think you should have studied, start that business you think you should have started. Express your love to the next person you really admire, associate with good company, go start that business, go hit the gym, go lose weight, go out and associate with people. Dare to leave your comfort zone.

In all things, remember that it is never too late till the last breath.

Keep on winning!


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