Keep Showing Yourself

keep showing yourself like this Sun

In our world today, many shy away from showing themselves, their skills, natural inclinations and their talents because they don't want to be seen as proud or arrogant. They don't want people to stop liking them, so they hide the unique gifts they have and never give it a chance to shine.

I have personally been there and I felt I was actually doing the right thing. Nobody really told me to keep showing myself to the world. So growing up I often kept to myself and never really took advantage of the opportunities to showcase my talents and abilities. The good news is that I learnt my lesson the hard way and changed this weakness on time.

Our world is controlled by people who aren't shy or afraid of demonstrating what they are capable of handling and doing. These people always show themselves in everything they do. They have become so consistent at doing this that their whole essence becomes identified with their art. And the more they show themselves, their ideas, their talents to the world, the better they get.

That's why it's important you should also show yourself to the world out there. It's important you show off your talents, abilities and skills. That's what will get you noticed, that's what will attract to you the right kind of people you need in your life.

It was during a session on the writing of an effective resume with a group of other young people that my eyes were further opened to the reality of showing oneself. You need to see the content of some resumes. You need to see how everyone was demonstrating what they have achieved, how they achieved it and the awards and results they got. They were literally tooting their horns.

If you have always been afraid of showing yourself because of how others may perceive you, how will you toot your own horn when the occasion demands it? How will you gather experiences and link up with like minded people if no one knows what you're capable of doing? You must show yourself.

It's more like the biblical injunction of being a light unto the world. No one lights up a candle and hides it under the bed. A candle is lit to provide light that dispels darkness and allows us to see clearly. A hidden candle has no use to us.

You are that candle. The light you carry comes in the form of your talents, your abilities, your gifts, your passions and whatever it is that you have been blessed with knowing how to do. This light must never be hidden because it is expected that you light up our world using that light.

If you're complaining of what people may say when you are showing yourself, how will you ever grow and develop? You should remember that you're on this world for a mission. The mission is to bring out that light in you and inspire others to do the same. We don't necessarily have to shine this light in the same way, everyone has a different and distinct way to shine theirs because we are not meant to do the same things. 

Therefore, it would be really pointless and as a matter of fact stupid to sweep your light under the carpet because someone else feels intimidated by your light or will dislike you if you keep on shining.

Initially, some people will naturally get jealous of you when you're shining that light, but when you keep on shining that light, they will eventually get used to it and will be very much inspired to shine theirs as well. But if you let their jealousy stop you from shining, you simply become like them and instead of inspiring them to shine their own light, you inspire them to remaining the same.

Sometimes we tend to hide behind the cloak of humility and we erroneously feel that showing off what we have been blessed with looks like pride. But just take a look around you. Think of every highly successful man or woman you have ever known. You'll find out that these set of people are always showing themselves. They never stop.

They always turn up and they always do what they know how to do best irrespective of whose ox is gored.

You might be the best in mathematics in your class, keep showing yourself. Solve as much problems as you can and never shy away from solving mathematical problems. There's a reason you're gifted with such a great numerical ability. Therefore continue expressing it regardless of who feels envious.

You might be the best dancer or stuntman in a group, keep on showing yourself. That's what will get you noticed and earn you more opportunities to develop your art.

You might be very good at talking and expressing your ideas very well. You might be very good in winning any arguments. Others may envy you for this, but you must never stop showing this talent.

You could be blessed in a sport, you might be the best footballer in your school team, don't stop playing the sport. Keep showing up for tournaments. Keep shining.

Maybe it's comedy. You're good at making people laugh and you can change people's mood easily from sadness to happiness with your jokes, never stop showing this gift.

You might be fond of answering or asking questions in class, and naturally other students will say you're just showing yourself because they're jealous.
You shouldn't mind them, keep showing yourself.

I could give many more examples, but I'll conclude with this:

There's a whole lot of good reasons why you should keep showing yourself. Here's four of them:

1. You get better in what you do.

2. You build your self confidence.

3. You increase the chances of success through the networks it will help you build.

4. You gain more attention. And you know that having more attention is desirable for your success.

Being humble doesn't mean that you should hide your talents. Humility is all about respecting other people no matter their class and treating them fairly. It doesn't mean you should be afraid to shine your light and show yourself.

Keep showing yourself and expressing who you are.

Let them call it pride, it's their business.

Show yourself regardless.

The sky is the limit for you bold winner.

Stay sharp as always and never stop winning!


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