Lookback: How to discover your Purpose in Life

 As at when I wrote this throwback post in 2016, my purpose was not very clear as it is right now, but I was able to have a strong sense of what it was when I was writing this following these things I had shared back then, I hope it gives you a strong sense of purpose as well.

It is sad that in rapidly developing world like ours, few people actually know their purpose in this life whereas the majority of people do not.

When few people know their purpose, they can only solve a tiny fraction of the various problems in our world, but imagine a world where most people know exactly their various purposes and contribute to solving problems with it.

Our era has been bombarded with lots of information, belief systems, orthodox rules, etc which has made it more difficult and confusing for an average individual to actually discover his/her purpose.

This article has been designed to help you find that purpose and be rest assured that after reading this article and following the directions therein, you'll find your purpose here on earth.

To start with, look at these quotes by Oprah Winfrey :

"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of a service... "

"Your calling isn't something that somebody can tell you about. It's what you feel. It's the thing that gives you juice. The thing that you are supposed to do. And nobody can tell you about what that is. You know it inside yourself."

I want you take some time to understand those two quotes before we proceed. There are a few things I'll like you to know upfront. No one else but yourself can tell you what you're meant to do or to be, because you know it already. You feel it deep down your gut. Does it mean that this article won't help? No! Read on.

Since your ideal purpose is something that I cannot tell you. I'll only tell you about a proven way used by successful people to discover their own purpose and live decisively. I'll tell you a way to identify what you really feel and connect it to your purpose just like these people.

Now, We are all unique creatures who share just ONE ideal purpose. In other words, there is ONE purpose which every human being on earth has. The common purpose is that 'We are created to be productive and add value to our society."

This is the ultimate purpose we all share, but the catch is that there are "infinite" number of ways to fulfill this purpose. You mustn't fulfill the purpose the same way another person fulfills it. And this is where a personal purpose comes in. Which is why you're here.

A personal purpose suits our uniqueness. It merges your passion (what you love to do) with the general purpose. Therefore, it puts you in a position where you are fulfilling the general purpose while being very happy doing so. This is what we all want. Finding it involves deep thinking and thorough knowledge of oneself.

For example, one who has passion for making people laugh would fulfill the common purpose of adding value to society by becoming a comedian(personal purpose).

One who loves treating the sick can fulfill the common mission by becoming a medical doctor(personal purpose). It is important to love whatever you do with which you're fulfilling the common purpose with. When you really love what you do, you're more productive and aware, therefore you create greater value to the world.

So this is how you find your own personal purpose: It involves three key steps.

Step one:

Get a book and a pen. Write down every thing that you love to do. Whatever you're addicted to or whatever you're obsessed with, write it down too.

Don't let any sentiments stop you from writing out everything you really like to do. Let's say you're doing a job you don't like or studying a course you hate, write down the things you'll rather do. The things that make you can't wait for the work day or class to be over. The things that come to you naturally when you're not occupied. Your unique talents.

Making noise, playing games, singing, dancing, thinking, anything... This is the first step. I guess you've penned down a lot of things. Now here's the second step. This step is important to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Most people can't tell the difference between what they just like to do and what they're really passionate about. If whatever you think you love to do DOES NOT add ANY VALUE to HUMAN LIVES, then it's not your passion. You just like to do it.

Step two: 

Cancel everything on that list that does not have the capacity to add value to the society. Things like smoking, playing some video games, watching movies, sleeping.. stuff like that should be cancelled. The only things that should be left on that list are the things that you love doing which adds value to society.

Step three: 

Write down everything left on paper and fold them.(I'm assuming more than one item is left) Close your eyes and pick one of them. Just kidding, that's not necessary. Look at the remaining things and think of ways you can add value to the society through any of them. Once you've thought about that, make plans and fearlessly take action in line with them.

If you can work on all of them at same time, fine, but I suggest taking them one at a time. Find ways to develop yourself in these areas and how to start adding value to life through them.

If after step 2, you had one thing left, you've found your personal passion. Simply, follow it! If you cancelled out everything on your list, which I think will be very rare and impossible, I suggest you think deeply again or ask people you trust to give you candid opinions on what they think you'll be very good at. (This usually works). But, I believe if you did step 1 very well, you can find something you love to do that can add value to human lives.

Note If you love sports, you can add value to life through it by becoming a trainer, fitness instructor etc. Don't be too hasty to cancel out your passions except when they're totally useless by your own judgement. But think deeply about how you can add value with anything you love to do before cancelling.

I believe that if you take these steps, you'll definitely find your purpose. I hope this helped you. Don't forget to share this article and help others discover their purpose.


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