Why Success At All Costs Is Bad Advice

Success at all costs is Bad advice

Hi guys, it's been a while since the last time I wrote. I had some technical issues with my main device. I'm back and better.

Today I'm really inspired to share this blog post aimed to help you see reasons why pursing success at all costs is bad advice.

This blog has been about success and achievement. It's been targeted at helping people to live better lives by getting to know and understand themselves better, then make the best decisions in their lives.

It has been all about activity, action, motivation and inspiration.

However, I'll love to really point out that in all these our desires to be successful in life, to make a difference, to lead change, to become recognized and whatever kinds of great things we want to achieve, we should be wary of trying to achieve them at any costs.

There is a right way to pursue whatever things we desire. Those who claim that there is no right or wrong way are only trying to sweep the truth under the carpet.

If you want to pass a particular course excellently, you can choose to go the right way by studying that course and getting to know it or you can choose the wrong way by trying to cheat your way through it.

The thing is that both ways leads to seemingly the same results. But then, the person who passed through the right way will be able to correctly apply or defend his knowledge wherever he finds himself while the other person who cheated his way through it won't be able to do the same.

Some people who desire to become very wealthy may seek to deal in fake goods, engage in fraud, deny other people their due money or commit crimes just to get quick money.

Rather than pursue riches the right way by creating value, solving an identified problem or working to earn an honest living, some people choose to be corrupt and shady.

The thing is that such people who pursue success through any means tend to make certain deadly mistakes that could irreversibly affect their lives.

They don't enjoy whatever they have achieved because they live all their lives haunted by the things they didn't do right and stand the risk of being caught.

Cutting corners doesn't pay as much as going through the necessary stages necessary to achieve anything.

Your peace of mind, happiness, sense of purpose and fulfilment is more important than many of the things you may desire to achieve in life.

I understand that the desire to achieve success at any costs is greatly influenced by many things which we see and experience in our lives daily. Social media has also influenced it.

You log on to Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat and you find out that some of your friends are already where you want to be.

One of them posts a picture of a brand new house or car that he or she recently bought. The other one posts a picture of their wedding. You scroll down and you find out that another one just landed a highly paid job with a top multinational firm. You like the posts and drop a few comments.

But then, your mind comes in.. You begin to think about your own life and you start to compare yourself with them. You probably begin to think: "Why is my own case different?" "Why haven't I gotten married?" "Why haven't I gotten a job or why am I not successful in my own business?" "Why haven't I been able to own a car or a house?"

You begin to think deeply about these things and before you know it, you start considering some negative suggestions that might seem to get you those things quickly.

You begin to consider settling down with an abusive or cheating partner who doesn't love you because you are under pressure to get married.

You start thinking of illegally smuggling certain contraband goods or drugs into your area so you can make quick cash.

Negative things begin to flow in and you start thinking of doing things that are morally and reasonably wrong because you just want to be like those people who are in your age group who are seemingly living the dream.

Well, you're in luck, because I'm here to remind you that everyone's time isn't the same. As long as you're doing what you can do about your situation, you will be fine.

Keep applying to jobs, keep doing an honest business, keep searching for the right one for you, keep moving at your own pace.

The mere fact that other people your age possess or have accomplished the things you desire before you doesn't mean that you're a failure, so you shouldn't let such thoughts put you under pressure to make terrible mistakes.

Do what you can do. Move at your own pace. Form the habit of continuing to try. Be happy for those people who have what you desire and keep the hope alive for yours while being active in pursuing it.

You will get there. It is okay to be where you are right now because the future still holds a lot of possibilities for you. You never know what the next moment holds for you. One second, one action, one idea, one more application, one more date, one more effort can change everything.

So, don't let unnecessary pressure push you into trying to achieve your own success at any costs. It is okay to move slowly sometimes. It is okay to take your time. It is okay to be more careful in making your decision. Some people are successful at a very young age. Others make it at a later time.

The important thing is that you make an honest effort everyday towards those things you desire. Don't let yourself be pushed to go into things that would affect your peace of mind, purpose and happiness all for the sake of success.

I hope this article makes sense to at least one person.

The sky is the limit for you. Your time will come. Stay bold and keep winning! 


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