
Showing posts from December, 2016

Reflections on The last Day of 2016

Take a brief moment to reflect over your whole life throughout this year, from January 1st till today. Think of your experiences, your good times, bad times, successes and failures. Think of your New Year resolution for 2016 and how far you have accomplished them. Be thankful for your successes. Be thankful that you're alive and well. Be thankful that you've made it thus far despite any other thing. It's been a long and interesting year, lots of things have happened. It's funny how one year comes and goes in a twinkle of an eye. Question is: Have you utilized it well? Spend some time alone today and really think about the way you have lived your life this year. Are you proud of it? Do you think you've made significant progress from the previous years? If yes, congratulations to you and set higher goals for yourself in 2017. If No, take extra time to find out why. Have you spend time on things that didn't matter? Have you planned yourself poorly? Have you

Reading Too Much?

Do you know why most youths are currently unemployed and roaming around the streets doing nothing? A number of them, don't have any skill, therefore they simply cannot do much. Many more are there because they read too much and did very little. Reading is a very good thing, but I think when it's done to the extreme without any activity, practice or real life experience; it becomes an impediment to any individual. In universities, book knowledge is too glorified. Nobody tells you that what will propel you out there in The Real world is WHAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO. They go on encouraging you to just read and pass exams and if you fall into that trap, they successfully turn you to robot. Students who escape this phenomenon are those who balanced their studies with activity. The school didn't do it for them, they did it for themselves. These students take time to practice what they learn on their own. They either train themselves practically or they become an apprentice

Let's Get Real About Love

Let's get real here about this issue of being in love. I'm not going to be playful about it. I'd be as plain as I can ever be. Forget everything you've seen in the movies or read about love. Let's just be honest and practical here. Everyone here on earth I believe needs love and appreciation. I've not met anyone who doesn't. If you claim you don't, I think you should think again. I believe we all want someone who loves us just as much as we love them. Here's the thing: We want to be loved, but often times we are not willing to love someone in that same way that we want to be loved. We want to be loved 'more' than the other party. We want to develop a sense of pride knowing that no matter what we do, the other party will still love us. But in reality, it doesn't work that way because the love becomes selfish. And when selfishness enters any love, it doesn't last. You need to understand that just as you need someone who will l

Are You a Chameleon or Painter? Find Out!

Dr.Cally Cussons ended his captivating speech at a seminar today with the wonderful quote: "Don't be a chameleon, be a painter."  The words kept ringing inside my head because it kinda sums up everything that is required to motivate any individual who is poised to make positive change and impact in his/her society. I decided to create this post out of that quote: Who is the chameleon? The chameleon is likened to the one who constantly changes color according to the environment he finds himself. The environment and external conditions determine how the chameleon would look like. It doesn't have a fixed color and it's unreliable. A person can be said to be a chameleon when they're often influenced, discouraged and made doubtful by outside situations. A typical chameleon can be found always complaining about how difficult things are and how worse everything gets. The person is usually negative minded and has little control or will over things. Who is the

Waiting For The Right Time? Read This!

Consider this interesting scenario: Let's say you're expecting a special guest today, but you don't know exactly when this guest will be coming to your house. You've cleaned up, decorated your house and prepared a wonderful meal for this visitor. Which of these options do you think will do you good? A) Just sitting and waiting for him/her to show up. Or B) Forgetting that the person is even coming and engaging yourself with an activity; gaming, watching a movie, doing laundry etc. The answer is obviously the latter. Why is that? Let's assume that this guest will come exactly by 3:00pm and you have no idea. Let's also assume you've finished all your preparation as early as 9:00am. It will do you little good to just sit idly and let 6 hours of your time pass you by in the name of waiting. And whenever you're anxiously waiting for something to happen like that, it will appear as if time has become very slow. You will not be relaxed and you'l

How To Be A Winner Every Time

I was discussing with a close friend sometime ago and he was telling me that without having a connection in the country, one couldn't really make any headway. He stressed that most of the available opportunities and jobs out there have already been taken by relatives of connected people. I asked him a question, "Does it mean that people who don't have such connections do not succeed?" He reluctantly replied, "The reality is that everything is based on connection." I had to disagree with him even though there was an element of truth in his words. It was only a half truth. Just as there were people who became successful via connections, there are also people who were not even changed by their connections. Other people got ahead through hard work and merit, while some people even with all the hard work have still not changed. I had to let him know that there are no clear cut or easy ways to be successful. You only have to plan to always win, no matte

The Easiest Way To Get Better At Anything

Meet Eno Sam, she is a talented an artist and she has a strong passion for drawing. When she started, her drawings weren't so admirable. At that time, when she tried real life drawing, what she drew was far from resembling the object she was drawing. Even though Eno wasn't that spectacular when she started, she wasn't discouraged to keep drawing.  She kept drawing and she gradually started improving. What kept her going was her passion for the arts. She loved to do what she was doing and that was more than enough to keep her drawing. Today, her portraits are close to perfection and it wouldn't be surprising to see her works start competing with top artists around the world. Here's what she has to say: "Go for what you have passion for!" "Never think you can't, just start and watch yourself get better. The first picture is really funny but it took courage to keep trying(referring to the above picture)." "When you have passion

7 Ways To Bail Out From Addictions

Addictions can be really difficult to deal with but with the right tips, one can emerge a victor no matter how far one has gone. Some folks find themselves imprisoned by smoking, drinking, pornography, spending time with T.V or social media (especially in this age), masturbation and the likes.  Releasing oneself from these ugly monsters is not a walk in the park, it can be so frustrating that some often resort to fate and throw in the towel, living a miserable life afterwards. They even go as far as accepting the saying that, "We don’t break addictions they break us." The misery that comes with addiction can be immediate or long-term, it can come in form of health, emotional, psychological issues which leads to strain in relationships, loss of jobs and so on. Here are few tips to get yourself a bail: Acknowledge the existence of a problem It is a matter of great importance to tell yourself that there is a problem before anything else. Since those who are well have